Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Moldy Peaches

"Squinched up your face and did a dance
You shook a little turd out of the bottom of your pants
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone elseBut you"

The Moldy Peaches

I was curious about a group who was sampled by the new Chevy Traverse commercial with the shoes. The voices sounded like that song at the end of the Juno soundtrack. So I looked them up on Myspace. Their bio is a little strange and I wonder how real it is. They have interesting lyrics that is for sure. This one gave me a chuckle. In college, there was this star soccer player guy who lived in my dorm. Too funny.

That new commercial for Dr. Drews celebrity rehab show is a heart stopper. I love how creative people get with marketing. It really is an art. Cleverness and wittiness make me want to watch commercials. I guess their magic is working heh heh heh.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I found Dr. Korram's Book this summer and really got a kick out of his peeing section in the pool analogy of non smoking sections in a restraunt.

From Tina

"Several public hearings were held on all three islands, and for the most
part comments submitted on the bill were very supportive. The bill was
amended on the floor to allow restaurants with attached bars to opt for the
exemption from the smoking ban after established dining hours or 10pm, whichever
is earlier (the bill had previously exempted only bars, not restaurants with
attached bars). 15 members voted yes on the bill including myself; Reps.
Hocog and Reyes abstained; Rep. Stanley Torres voted no. "


LEGISLATORS: Note to selves --This is what happens when you people hold hearings! You hear what the people want! DO THIS MORE OFTEN! Put fabot!

Stanley! Shame on you!

Snakes in the grass

I love it when Tina sends her emails of thoughts on the session. I love her candidness. All the points on why she did, or more likely, did not vote for a bill are logical and I agree with. Procedure is important! What is the use of having a procedure if you dont use it? Alas, this is the CNMI and there is no logic!

I like reading her thoughts because they remind you she is human. I think of most of those old goats as robots. They are cold and heartless.

"This particular vote bothered my conscience a great deal when I realized what
had happened . . . it was still a hard lesson for this freshman legislator. Though I am always disappointed by the gamesmanship . . . we often demonstrate in the House on appropriations bills, I was also frankly disappointed in myself for letting my guard down and trusting in the information I had been given on a bill that was being voted on. "

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee

I am reading this book now, just started it. And I am realizing now how many Indian Tribe names and actual people names are borrowed to name things, places and stuff in America.

Places - Cities, mountains, rivers

Black Hawke

I am sure there are more but I am only in the first chapter.

It saddens me to read how brutal colonists could be. I thought Pocahantis got with John Smith. Why did Disney change his name? It makes me think about how in Japan, they dont teach what atrocities went on in WWII and don't teach that they surrendered. It makes me wonder if what they teach in american history is totally skewed too. It must be.