Thursday, November 15, 2007


In a letter to Taotao Tano Rep. Candido B. Taman warns:

" . . . do not be obsessed with the word transparency because we have nothing to hide here. Incidentally, the more you use this word the more you contribute to the glory of those disrespectful outsiders who are very critical against our island, our people and our government. "

Being critical of an entity that has habitually abused public trust and public funds, is not limited to "outsiders". Although I am half chamorro, half "outsider", I am Chamorro at heart. I love these islands; they will forever be my home.

It is my right to be critical of my island, if my people and my government abuse the power and especially the public funds my tax dollars contribute to. I LOVE my homeland and am tired of seeing it deteriorate because of the LACK OF TRANSPARENCY in our government. I know, I know it is more than just that, BUT whenever there is a mess, you have to start somewhere. Let's start with TRANSPARENCY. Let us start with closer monitoring with what money we DO have. You say "we have nothing to hide", so prove it.

I AM Chamorro, and I am critical, whether you like it or not.

In defense of "outsiders" I say this: We teach your kids. We heal you when you're sick. We defend you when you break thelaw. We do not sign up for welfare and food stamps. We pay our bills. We do something about animal welfare. We VOTE. We pay our taxes, so we can freely call "fouls" when we see them. We are among the most educated members of the community so maybe we're worth listening to every now and again.

To Greg Cruz:

I commend your "OBSESSION" with transparency. It is not just you; many people have that obsession. Can you blame them? Who wouldn't want to know what the people WE (the voters) have put into office are doing; be it at meetings or how they spend PUBLIC money. We have every right to know. Do NOT let THEM change your course.

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