Friday, August 22, 2008

Expressionless EXPRESSIONS

Is it just me or is the sign at EXPRESSIONS an oxymoron or what? The building is beige and the sign is beige. Paint the sign already! Give it some EXPRESSION! Don't get me wrong, I do love the food in there and the cheeses and teas and the stuff... Some people don't even see the sign it blends in so much. Paint it red or orange or do a Jackson Pollock, just express yourself, please.


Bon said...

Maybe that's the whole point, not to dictate what expression should look like. I think it's industrial chic, lol, but then if it were up to me it would have flowers all over it.

Unaiveia said...

I guess, but it still seems pretty expressionless to me.

I still love the cheese, sweets, teas, paper and stuff there.

I just wish the sign were louder.