Friday, September 12, 2008


I have been called over sensitive most of my life. I cant help that I am an emotional person. I don't think that I am oversensitive about all things. I can take criticism. I can take rumors and personal attacks. I try to not take things personally as much as possible. But when it comes to a poignant movie or a good book I let the tears fall. Singing a beautiful song, or hearing one also gets me going. live harmonizing, that too. Man I love music. Sometimes public speaking may get the water works started, depending on my confidence level and who is in the audience. Teaching teens, I am pretty confident and there is no worry, but speaking to legislators who don't want to hear what i have to say and resent me for trying kinda makes me shaky... but I still try.

My problem is I feel like I do more of the parenting between my husband and I. 6 out of 7 days I am the one who ends up bathing and getting the kid to bed. Now I don't complain that I do it, but when I expect him to do it THE FEW TIMES I ask, and then he chooses to not come home from work that EXACT NIGHT, so he can go drinking with his friends, AND HE PROMISED (yes he said promise) TO COME HOME EARLY yet doesn't, when I go ape shit he says I am being oversensitive. It is like every time I get upset about his lack of participation in the familial duties, or that he never keeps his word, I am being oversensitive. FUCK THAT I AM NOT BEING OVER SENSITIVE. YOU ARE NEGLECTING YOUR FAMILY DUTIES. But how do I get it through to him?

He is always evading and trying to turn things around so I feel like I am wrong. I know I am not wrong.

I can never trust his word because he does not follow it. He says "You should know already when I say 8 I mean 10." NO I SHOULDN'T! SAY WHAT YOU MEAN AND MEAN WHAT YOU SAY.

I really think this is a deal breaker. I cant be in a relationship with someone who can not keep their word. I am so distraught. We need a marriage encounter ASAP. Or i need to get some balls and fucking make a point by moving out or something. I cant live like this.


Lil' Hammerhead said...

You sound like you are being more than fair with him. He is being inconsiderate.

If you want to make it work, and don't want to go to the extreme of walking out yet.. give him an ultimatum.

The ultimatum.. bring him to the counciling services at lower Navy Hill. They're just past the hospital on the left side of the road. They've helped many couples with many problems.. some similar to yours.

It's a lengthy process.. but they are very flexible.

I know it can be a bit odd to talk about your issues with a stranger.. but it can also be very very helpful.

Take care of yourself.

Unaiveia said...

Thank you. i wondered where something like that was. I know we need it.